
Laguna Chamber’s Support for Freeway

To the disgust of many, the Colony Reporter, official publication of the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce and Civic Assn., in its summer issue drums for the projected environmentally destructive San Joaquin freeway. Touted as a traffic reliever, but actually a housing developer’s project supported by insensitive politicians, the roadway is flawed thrice over.

First, it seems a scam deceiving the public as it appears to do. This 13-mile roadway starts nowhere and has no destination. Its principal purpose is to provide an access to houses developers plan adjacent to it. You see, developers hook the taxpayer for the cost of an access road to their building projects. How sweet it is. Politicians and the naive driving public are wrapped into the scheme. And though it may be immoral, it’s legal.

Second, new freeways are magnets to drivers: the more freeways, the more traffic.

Third, it pollutes, fouling the air and replacing the music and air of the woods and its wild creatures with the cacophony of traffic noise.


What sweet irony that two organizations presumably interested in the quality of life support an infrastructure that so obviously is bent on the spoilage of that very quality.


Laguna Beach
