
Times Has Changed

For as many years as I can remember, I’ve looked forward to the Sunday Times Real Estate Section, always expecting to read about the major players in Southern California’s dynamic real estate marketplace and about the trends being established by builders and developers in the area. I even look forward to Sam Hall Kaplan’s commentary on the above, although I seldom agree with him.

The front page always managed to generate excitement with news and photographs of the latest grandiose monument downtown or perhaps a new planned community in Riverside County. And Hot Property has always reminded us that we are, after all, Southern California.

The Times has changed though, hasn’t it. News of the next phase of the long-delayed California Plaza (no photos) was hidden on an inside back page--well after such “real estate” news as rats and problem garden soil. And what of the Koll Co. signs on the site of Gene Scott’s old church? No word in The Times Real Estate Section. Even the Orange County Register made mention of that one.


Come on, guys--let’s put the “handy hints” after the real estate news--better yet, in its own section of the newspaper.


Newport Beach
