
Coastline Instructor Is Named Educator of the Year by Latino Organization

Emilio de la Cruz, a 20-year Marine Corps veteran and graduate of Rancho Santiago College and Cal State Fullerton, was named Educator of the Year by the League of United Latin American Citizens.

De la Cruz, who lives in Santa Ana, was recognized for his efforts to encourage Latinos to earn college educations. He is working on Project START, a summer college preparatory program sponsored by the Extended Opportunity Program at Coastline Community College in Fountain Valley. Before joining Coastline, he was a recruitment coordinator at Rancho Santiago College in Santa Ana.

Michael Butler, a UC Irvine associate professor of social science, has been appointed dean of undergraduate studies. Butler, a Mission Viejo resident, is a past recipient of the school’s Distinguished Teaching Award and its University Service Award.


Soprano Elizabeth K. Koukladas, 24, of Westminster was the first-place winner for the recent Musical Arts Competition at Cal State Fullerton. Koukladas, who is a student at Cal State Long Beach, has appeared with the Opera Pacific and plans a career in grand opera.

She also is a first-place winner in the recent Komeroff Scholarship Award competition.

The Placentia-Linda Community Hospital Guild presented $500 scholarships to 22 students at its scholarship tea. The students--who live in Yorba Linda, Placentia, East Fullerton and Brea--plan to work in the medical field. The winners are Pamela Alvarez, Richard Bowen, Jennifer Castro, Diana del Carlo, Leslie Gregory, Todd M. Guyette, John T. Liu, Elizabeth Mandap, Sheryl L. Martel, Rhonda L. McKusick, Linda Marie Miller, Charlene Nicholas, Trisha Ann Pachiano, Walker Price, Kelly Roggelin, Beth C. Schoffroth, Monica Shen, Cindy Steele, Ruth Tang, Henry Y. Tsai, Patrick Van Winkle and Vickie Diana Weir. ( The North Orange County Pan-Hellenic Assn. presented $500 scholarship grants to four college students selected as outstanding sorority women. They are Caroline Quirion of La Habra, a member of Sigma Kappa at Cal State Fullerton; Julie A. Sokol, of Brea, a member of Alpha Chi Omega at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo; Susie Ter-Jung, of Anaheim, a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma at UCLA, and Patricia Warsow, of La Palma, a member of Delta Gamma at Cal State Long Beach.

Colleen Clay, a Fountain Valley resident and Golden West College student, has been named winner of the annual Lloyd Hamilton Campus Life Award.


The award, which recognizes a student who has contributed to the quality of campus life by participation and inspiration, is named for the former campus business dean who assisted students with various projects.

During her tenure as student body association president, Clay initiated several projects to market various association items and promoted a workshop to train students in leadership and fund raising.

The 1989 Saddleback College Outstanding Service Award to a non-teaching staff member was presented to Pat Lucas, executive secretary in the college Office of Instruction, by the Saddleback Community College District Board of Trustees. Lucas is an El Toro resident.


Helen Utley, a volunteer tennis instructor for the Tustin Unified School District, was presented the Sally Gerich Award for her work with special-education students.

Utley, formerly a teacher for the Santa Ana Unified School District, is tennis coach to special day-class and severely handicapped students.

The award is named for a longtime volunteer special-education tennis instructor in the Tustin schools.

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