
Space Goals vs. Earth Goals

In response to The Times’ editorial “Beyond the Moon” (July 21):

I share your sentiments. I would like to add a thought or two that seem relevant.

The exploration (and exploitation) of the realm beyond our wafer-thin atmosphere is the most stupendous challenge to Homo sapiens since we ventured forth from Olduvai. It will, indeed must, happen. “Because it’s there.” Because it’s necessary. By way of a not-too-loose analogy, consider the existence of the United States.

The second thought, directed at the Doubting Thomases out there who decry “throwing money out to space”:

Any manufacturing project involves miners, foundry workers, transport personnel, engineers, machinists, assemblers, coordination personnel, just to list the merely obvious. Not so obvious are banks, restaurants, farmers, and half a hundred other “fringe elements.”


Throwing money away? It sounds like a healthy economy to me. At least more healthy than nukes that we dare not use.


Redondo Beach
