
Red Cross Seeks Relief Donations

The Orange County chapter of the American Red Cross is accepting monetary donations to aid relief efforts in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, where Hurricane Hugo has inflicted extensive damage.

Donations also are being accepted in anticipation of any damage on the Atlantic seaboard, chapter spokeswoman Joan Mueller said.

The Red Cross also urges the donation of blood to increase current supplies in case the hurricane causes serious injuries in the United States. To arrange a blood donation or for more information, call (714) 835-5381.


On Thursday, a plane arrived in Puerto Rico carrying 50 Red Cross disaster specialists. Another 45 were scheduled to follow to help the island’s 500 Red Cross volunteers provide shelter to disaster victims, assess the damage and organize long-term relief efforts.

The Red Cross, echoing a request made by Puerto Rico’s governor, asked that people refrain from sending clothes and food.

The Orange County chapter suggested that those interested in helping donate money should send checks to the American Red Cross, P.O. Box 11364, Santa Ana, Calif. 92711. Checks should be earmarked for “Hurricane Hugo.”
