
Glendale to Get State Funds for Parkland

Glendale elected officials this week said the city will receive $500,000 in tobacco tax funds to purchase parkland in the San Rafael Hills.

The money, which will be matched by $250,000 from the city’s $1-million park acquisition fund, will purchase about 150 acres for preservation as open space in the mountains east of the Glendale Freeway.

The money was a last-minute addition to the annual “Christmas tree bill” in which state legislators fund pet projects.


At a press conference Tuesday morning in the mountains, Assemblyman Pat Nolan (R-Glendale) said he learned the day before the session closed that money was available through the 5% of the tobacco tax set aside for wildlife and open space protection.

Nolan asked Glendale parks officials for proposals. The city identified several parcels that could be purchased with the money, said Nello Iacono, director of parks and recreation.

Iacono declined to identify specific parcels because the owners had not been notified of the city’s interest.
