
Bad to the Bone as a Bunch

I am astonished to read complaints from rock fans about the racist insults and other obscenities that issue from Guns N’ Roses’ Axl Rose and the like (Letters, Oct. 22 and 29).

These heavy-metal types have made their fortunes in catering to the new barbarism, proclaiming their antisocial stance in everything from the names they choose for their groups to their rogues’ gallery get-ups, which generally want only the finishing touch of a pair of handcuffs.

Their every performance, or public tantrum, calls for a police presence and special measures for the delivery of first aid.


Enthusiasm for their spectacles arises in the main from a spirit of hostility, rampant in a generation largely deprived of adequate parenting. What should anyone expect from Guns N’ Roses--sweetness N’ light?


Long Beach
