
PLACENTIA : School Officials Ease Stand on Transfer

After first warning that a Yorba Linda girl would be turned away from El Dorado High School this week, school officials relented on Monday, but only agreed to let her attend without credit until a dispute is resolved over her transfer from the Fullerton Joint Union High School District.

The compromise prolongs a standoff between the family of Danielle Dudics, 14, and the Fullerton district. Dudics’ father, Greg, has argued that his daughter should be allowed to attend El Dorado, in the Placentia Unified district, even though the family lives in an area served by Troy High School in the Fullerton district, where the family moved from the Placentia district in June.

Dudics has won the support of Placentia district officials as well as two state legislators. An aide to state Sen. Edward R. Royce (R-Anaheim) said that she spoke with Fullerton district officials Monday and that the senator will urge the school board to reconsider Danielle’s case tomorrow night, when the board meets. Assemblyman John R. Lewis (R-Orange) wrote the board Friday with a similar request.


“I’m very grateful for their support, and I hope the board will listen to them and stop trying to stonewall on this,” Dudics said Monday after dropping his daughter off at school.

Despite those pleas, the Dudics family and Fullerton district officials remained deadlocked in the matter Monday.

Dudics has argued that his daughter should remain at El Dorado High because her brother, who suffers from serious depression, was allowed to stay there. The siblings should not be separated, he says. Moreover, Dudics worries that taking his daughter out of El Dorado and away from her friends will increase stress on the girl at a difficult time.


A doctor has seconded Dudics’ recommendation.

Fullerton officials have refused to comment on the specifics of the Dudics’ case, citing student confidentiality rules.

Late Monday, a spokeswoman for the Fullerton district said she was not aware of any new position by the school board.

“I don’t believe Mr. Dudics has presented any new information or request for a new hearing, at least not formally,” said Shirley Finton, the district’s public information and community development specialist.


Finton added, however, that board members will examine Lewis’ request during the board’s Tuesday meeting because the assemblyman’s written request for reconsideration would be considered “new information.”

Finton said she did not know whether action would be taken at that time.
