
The Huntington Beach Proposal for Golf Course

Hurray for members of Save Our Parks. They are right when they say to let the voters decide how Central Park is developed.

It really burns me up when I read how the mayor says what a great deal the proposed golf course is. A great deal for whom? Twenty-five percent of the park will be a golf course. Twenty-five percent of public land will be gated off and non-usable by 92% of the residents for 40 years.

The mayor’s math is amazing. Why can’t the county build a regional park across the street for $13,000 per acre when the mayor says it would cost $190,000 per acre for Central Park? The golf course with all the bells and whistles is less than $50,000 an acre.


Our mayor wants to be state insurance commissioner? Get the chickens in a circle--the colonel’s about to attack!


Huntington Beach
