
Positive Notes Come From Music Classes

The statistics in your article on music education horrified me (“Music in Schools: A Sour Note,” Part A, Jan. 17).

Plato said, “I would teach the children physics and philosophy and music--and of those, music is the most important, for the key to all learning lies in the patterns of the arts.”

The most important thing kids get from music education isn’t music. It’s the realization that you can start out with no skills whatsoever and if you stick to it without judging yourself, you can accomplish almost anything!


That knowledge--that personal power cannot be acquired while sitting and watching television.

All studies show that consistent music training improves reading ability, math skills, attendance, attitude and even posture!

In many parts of the country, I find that our kids are musically illiterate, but in the areas that treasure their bands and choruses (like Texas and Minnesota), the youngsters consider their music to be the most exciting experience of their lives.


Only parental interest and parental pressure on school boards make the difference.


Beverly Hills
