
Ex-Gallegly Aide Hired as Simi Valley Adviser

Mike Sedell, who resigned as Rep. Elton Gallegly’s top aide late last year, has signed a three-month contract as an administrative consultant with the city of Simi Valley. He is scheduled to start work Monday as a temporary replacement for Deputy City Manager Joseph Hinsburg, who recently resigned to work for the city of Thousand Oaks.

Sedell, 38, was among the highest-paid congressional aides with a salary of $80,000 when he resigned in November, citing family concerns.

His Simi Valley contract, which pays him $36.56 an hour for no more than 44 hours a week, is the equivalent of approximately $83,000 in annual salary without benefits. Hinsburg was paid $56,000 plus benefits.


City Spokeswoman Lucia Alvelais said Sedell will act as liaison with municipal lobbyists in Sacramento. His title will be administrative consultant.

Before joining Gallegly’s staff in 1986, Sedell worked for the city of Simi Valley, the last seven years as deputy city manager for intergovernmental affairs.
