
Governor’s Health Plan

Having read “Governor’s Health Insurance Plan Is Flawed, Critics Claim” (Part A, Jan. 26) and your editorial of the same date (“Putting a Premium on Health Care”), I would like to add my criticism. Both the governor’s plan and an initiative being readied by my peers in the California Medical Assn. for November, 1990, would seek to have businesses provide health insurance for all employees and their dependents.

As a physician, I want everyone to have access to health care. However, it is unfortunate and unfair that my medical association and our governor are trying to place this financial burden on the small businesses of California. Access to medical care is a societal problem and everyone in California should share in the solution, not just business owners.

I see no way that monthly premiums of $105 to $128 per person can provide adequate care now. That means the costs will rise, as noted in “Cost of Health-Care Benefits Soars” (Business, Jan. 30) and many small businesses will close their doors and jobs will be lost. These plans are not the answer.



