

Clipboard researched by April Jackson and Janice L. Jones / Los Angeles Times; Graphics by Scott Brown / Los Angeles Times

Here’s a comparison of local college presidents’ salaries and how they have changed during the last decade. The chancellor at the University of California at Irvine will earn $152,200 per year, more than any other college president in the county. His salary has also increased by the largest percentage during the last decade, 138%. By way of comparison, the head man at Pacific Christian earns just 20% more than 10 years ago. Student enrollment during the same period has increased by about the same amount at both schools.

CHRIST COLLEGE 1979-1980: $28,100 1980-1981: 34,300 1981-1982: 36,500 1982-1983: 40,000 1983-1984: 45,500 1984-1985: 48,700 1985-1986: 53,700 1986-1987: 55,800 1987-1988: 56,900 1988-1989: 60,200 1989-1990: Same PACIFIC CHRISTIAN 1979-1980: $37,000 1980-1981: Same 1981-1982: 42,000 1982-1983: Same 1983-1984: Same 1984-1985: Same 1985-1986: Same 1986-1987: Same 1987-1988: Same 1988-1989: Same 1989-1990: 44,500 CHAPMAN COLLEGE 1979-1980: * 1980-1981: * 1981-1982: * 1982-1983: * 1983-1984: * 1984-1985: * 1985-1986: * 1986-1987: * 1987-1988: * 1988-1989: ** $78,000 1989-1990: Information refused CAL STATE FULLERTON 1979-1980: $60,396 1980-1981: 66,288 1981-1982: 70,260 1982-1983: Same 1983-1984: Same 1984-1985: 81,576 1985-1986: 92,038 1986-1987: 99,034 1987-1988: Same 1988-1989: 104,976 1989-1990: Same UC IRVINE 1979-1980: $64,000 1980-1981: 71,000 1981-1982: 74,000 1982-1983: 76,000 1983-1984: 77,800-84,000 1984-1985: 92,500 1985-1986: 100,000 1986-1987: 107,500 1987-1988: 112,900-121,400 1988-1989: 131,100 1989-1990: 141,600-152,200 * Information not available ** Paid to acting president COLLEGE PRESIDENTS’ SALARIES By percentage increase, 1979-80 to 1989-90: CHRIST COLLEGE: 114 PACIFIC CHRISTIAN : 20 CHAPMAN COLLEGE: N/A * CAL STATE FULLERTON: 74 UC IRVINE: 138 * Not Available, information refused STUDENT ENROLLMENT By percentage increase, 1979-80 to 1989-90: CHRIST COLLEGE: 320 PACIFIC CHRISTIAN: 60 CHAPMAN COLLEGE: 32 CAL STATE FULLERTON: 14 UC IRVINE: 61 TOTAL STUDENTS ENROLLED Totaled students enrolled, 1989-90: CHRIST COLLEGE: 601 PACIFIC CHRISTIAN: 535 CHAPMAN COLLEGE: 2,121 CAL STATE FULLERTON: 25,065 UC IRVINE: 16,149 Source: Individual schools
