

I can’t help but respond to the article on graffiti in the San Fernando Courthouse (Metro, Feb. 17). The judges and lawyers are outraged at the violation of their inner sanctum by these murderous, misguided misfits of our society. I on the other hand face this same invasion of my environment on a regular basis; I am a teacher.

What they encountered on their arrival to work one day, I see everyday, both in and outside my classroom. Deputy Dist. Atty. Edward Nison was concerned that some of his case files might have been violated. I am concerned that some of my children might be violated.

And lest anyone take seriously the contention of the owner of the cleaning service that the concern for this incident might be an overreaction to a prank, let me assure you that it is not. Two of my 7th-grade students have been arrested this year for possession of a weapon on campus and both, if not actual members of a gang, at least took pride in emulating the dress and manner of gang culture.



