
Engineers Will Play a Key Role in the 1990s

Al Martinez’ “What Makes America Work” in the “Southern California Job Market” section and other stories about changing careers really hit home.

Twenty years ago, I decided to change careers mostly because I wanted to do something that gave me a sense of pride, satisfaction and accomplishment. Today, as a lawyer who represents people who are fired wrongfully from their jobs, I know I made the right decision.

I empathize with the aerospace workers worried about losing their jobs through no fault of their own. It is hard to convey in words the depth of emotion from a client who says, “For 25 years I was the XYZ Co. in Southern California. Now I am nothing!”

As mergers, acquisitions, leveraged buyouts and the like go on, we should not forget that those who often pay the highest price are the ones out there pounding the pavement.



