
Tragedy for Hospital

Lost amid news of evolving uncertainty within the Baltic states and quickly disregarded by national media agencies once the shock value of the event grew stale, the real story of the horrid events of April 14 at Mission Bay Hospital deserves a better account.

Gone forever is Deborah K. Burke, a vibrant, witty, giving and refreshingly unique woman. Having worked aside her over the course of the past three years, I have enjoyed the distinct pleasure of her insight into the human condition that we bore witness to within the confines of the emergency department.

Equally missing is Edward Rooney, also a victim of cruel circumstance.

How relieved we are that the slayings did not extend further and that Dr. Hughes is recuperating well and devoid of residual impairment. We at Mission Bay Hospital are now grappling with the difficult task of healing wounds which run deep.


A guard now stands watch by our main entrance. I (and I suspect so would Debbie) resent such measures. Mission Bay Hospital is an affable and open locale to receive health care, let it remain so!


Department of Emergency Medicine

Mission Bay Hospital
