
Riley Won’t Back Wieder, Cites Her Opposition to Measure M


Breaking a tradition of reciprocal endorsements, Orange County Supervisor Thomas F. Riley said Friday that he would not support the reelection bid of board colleague Harriett M. Wieder because of her opposition to Measure M, the transportation sales-tax initiative on the Nov. 6 ballot.

“In my opinion it (Measure M) is one of the most essential measures to the county in its history,” Riley said in an interview. “I strongly believe that it is essential for Measure M to pass, and I cannot support somebody who doesn’t have that same belief.”

Wieder supported Measure M when it was defeated last November, and had continued her support until last June, when she was forced into a runoff with Westminster Councilwoman Joy L. Neugebauer.


Wieder was unavailable for comment Friday. She has said she believes the measure is good, but that the strong voter opposition to it in her district made it bad public policy and bad politics to support it.

“There’s a time to lead and a time to be led,” Wieder said in a recent interview. “I don’t need to be hit on the head. . . . I think the voters have already told me: Oppose Measure M.”

Riley said that “traditionally,” the five supervisors support each other’s campaigns by allowing their names to be used on endorsement lists or other campaign literature, but he will not allow Wieder to use his name this fall.


At the same time, he said, he will not actively oppose Wieder, because her opponent, Neugebauer, also opposes Measure M.

“I talked to Harriett, and she knows that I am not supporting her. But I am not supporting any other candidate, and she would be my choice of the two.”

Besides, said Riley, if Measure M is so unpopular in Wieder’s 2nd district, “maybe my not supporting her will be a plus for her.”
