
Detective’s Death and Gun Control

The tragic death of Detective Kuster at the hands of Bela Marko, an ex-con and illegal immigrant, proves once again the ineptness and shortcomings of certain government policies when it comes to dealing with convicted illegals in this country.

What makes this case so much more appalling and tragic is that there is no written law dealing with this situation. The U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service only has a “policy” of deporting convicted, illegal immigrants once they have been paroled. This said “policy” does not work, as the senseless killing of Detective Kuster proves.

I urge you to write your congressman and demand that he immediately try to push through Congress a bill that would require that any illegal immigrant upon arrest and subsequent conviction of any crime or misdemeanor be immediately deported and never be allowed in this country again. No jail, no parole, just go. Let them become their country’s problem, not ours. JOHN M. KELLY, North Hollywood
