
A Non-Merit Increase

On Page 3 in the Nov. 16 Times, the headline reads: “$1-Billion Austerity Plan Urged as State Revenues Dive.” On the same page in the lower right corner, another, smaller “headline” reads: “Raise for Legislators, Governor Endorsed by Salary Commission.”

Is there something wrong with this picture? Do I read this right?

My income will no doubt be affected by the “austerity” plan, and the legislators and governor who helped get California into this fiscal mess will get a raise.

Did it occur to the governor that Californians rejected “several expensive ballot measures” because: (1) we can’t afford to pay more taxes, either to California or the federal government, and (2) we’re just plain disgusted with Sacramento? C’mon guys, wake up and smell the coffee!


DIANE CANTOR, Huntington Beach
