
Palestinian Linkage Issue

It is decidedly inconsiderate of Israel not to commit national suicide to keep our Arab coalition intact, avoid war in the Persian Gulf and bring everlasting peace and tranquility to the region.

Of course, if it does withdraw unilaterally from the land acquired in the ’67 war, as requested by Saddam Hussein, a few minor problems remain: Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Libya, et al. will still be in a state of war with Israel; its right to exist within secure borders will not be affirmed, and the PLO will be triumphantly encamped on its borders proving once again that terrorism pays mighty well.

While on a linkage binge, why stop with Israel? What about Britain getting out of Northern Ireland, the Soviets exiting from Lithuania, the Slavs (or is it the Croats) out of Montenegro, etc. All will be well, the brotherhood of man triumphant and Hussein will win the Nobel Peace Prize.


