
Traffic Deaths Near Border

Although Jones’ commentary aptly criticized Caltrans’ current efforts to reduce the number of deaths of illegal aliens attempting to gain entry to the United States, I feel he committed three significant errors.

Jones matter-of-factly accepts the unfortunate situation and considered in his problem-solving only those solutions that would continue to allow illegal entry to this country.

He hints that the root of the problem is racially motivated. By eliminating associated statistics such as auto fatalities triggered by pedestrians, Jones attempts to cry racial wolf in an issue where it has no validity. The goal that taxpayers expect Caltrans to achieve is to ensure the safety of the roads. Caltrans’ immediate goal in this case is to prevent fatalities caused by pedestrians crossing the freeways, whether the pedestrians are aliens, illegal or otherwise, transients, stranded motorists or, yes, even white, middle-class teen-agers.


His final mistake was the failure to responsibly use his column as an opportunity to sound logical solutions to the problem.


