
Controversy Over Protests

I am sick, tired and furious about being told continuously by every bureaucrat, reporter and commentator that America is 100% behind war in the Mideast now that we’ve actually started it. The determination to wage war was obviously made early on by President Bush and his advisers. It was a foolish and immoral determination. Its foolishness and immorality are not somehow mitigated simply because our troops are now “in harm’s way.”

I am told we must all, even if opposed to the policy that led to war, unite behind our President in order to facilitate a prompt conclusion to the carnage. Balderdash! The best and quickest way to end the carnage is to stand down our troops and bring them home. The only way to accomplish that is to stand up and fight our policy-makers with every means available.

Our national interests are simply not served by choosing sides in what amounts to little more than a family feud. We will not eliminate the squabbling with our self-righteous intervention. Neither will we benefit economically or politically in the long run from our folly.



Corona del Mar
