
MISSION VIEJO : 64 City Employees Given Salary Hikes

Salary hikes averaging about 8.5% have been granted to 64 employees by the City Council.

Pay hikes affected people in several job classifications in City Hall. They were the first raise since October, 1989.

“Since March, 1989, most cities in Orange County have adjusted their salary ranges twice, putting Mission Viejo at a competitive disadvantage relative to the other cities in the county,” City Manager Fred Sorsabal said.

The raises, approved Wednesday, will cost the city about $192,000 annually.

In other action, the council also approved three new employee benefit packages.

Employees will be able to participate in a computer-loan program that makes available up to $3,500 in interest-free loans for the purchase of a home computer. City officials hope the program will promote computer literacy among employees.
