
A Guide to the Best of Southern California : HANDMADE : Movable Beasts

If clipping shrubs in suburbia ever became dull, Edward Scissorhands might have tried another form of topiary art. Sisters Jennifer and Tischia O’Farrior design creatures that thrive indoors or out, as table centerpieces or patio ornaments, for their Glendora shop. Made from painted wire frames stuffed with drought-tolerant moss, these portable rabbits ($59 to $125, depending on size), cats ($59) and brontosauruses ($250)--to name just a few--can live for years. For special occasions they can be dressed up in a coat of ivy or creeping fig and decorated with flowers and ribbons. And if you’re not up to caring for a topiary pet, the O’Farriors will rent you one.

O’Farrior Topiary, 117 E. Whitcomb Ave., Glendora; (818) 963-3568.
