
MOVIES - May 22, 1991

<i> Arts and entertainment reports from The Times, national and international news services and the nation's press</i>

IRA Raises Ire: It’s just in the talking stage, but even the thought of actor Mickey Rourke producing a movie sympathetic to Irish Republican Army hunger strikers has riled a British lawmaker who has lost three relatives in terrorist attacks. William McCrea, 42, a Protestant minister and member of Parliament from Northern Ireland for nine years, has written Rourke a letter graphically detailing the murder of three cousins. He warns Rourke against glorifying the IRA, the outlawed terrorist organization. Rourke, an Irish Republican sympathizer, donated cash to a campaign aimed at freeing convicted IRA killer Joseph Doherty from a New York jail and played an IRA operative in “A Prayer for the Dying.” Allen Burry, a spokesman for Rourke in Los Angeles, said: “There is no script . . . there is no nothing. It’s just an idea.”
