
Arab-Israeli Conflict

What happened to the “new world order” that President Bush spoke so reverently of during the war with Iraq? I understood this world order to mean that a world forum, the United Nations, would be used to solve international problems.

We used the forum of the U.N. to solidify world support for our war against Iraq. Israel was created by the United Nations and defends its right to exist based on United Nations resolutions. Yet with complete hypocrisy and lack of respect for the organization that spawned the Jewish nation, the Israelis are refusing to allow the United Nations to mediate the Palestinian peace settlements.

Israel does not deserve any more special consideration than any of the other nations that assisted the United States so greatly in the Gulf War.


President Bush should use our powerful lever of aid to prod Israel into recognizing the “new world order.” I hope Americans with a conscience will recognize this hypocrisy and urge their representatives to withhold aid to Israel until it cooperates with the United Nations.


Playa del Rey
