
Loss of Drama at Schools Is Big Loss

I very much enjoyed Doug Smith’s article “Behind-Scenes Work Brings a New Sense of Drama to Schools” (June 13 Glendale Section). However, there is another very important aspect to one school performance related in the column.

The production of “Fiddler on the Roof” at Eagle Rock High School involved 70 students in the cast and another 30 in the orchestra and stage crew (as well as 2,000 other high school and elementary school students who sat in the audience and loved it!).

These kids don’t have time for gangs or drugs. They are much too busy being creative to be destructive. And besides learning something about music and theater, they have learned an essential lesson for success in life--how to work together with others toward a common goal.


These kids come from many different ethnic backgrounds, but they worked together to create something meaningful and beautiful. Now is not the time to cut the arts from schools--they are needed more than ever.


Eagle Rock
