
What’s the Beef With Sue Coe?

So Coe believes that “humankind’s cruelty to itself devolves from its cruelty to what are perceived as lower life forms.” Baloney!

Her vegetarianism does not make her any more sensitive to the plight of man than my eating chicken makes me a barbarian.

I have encountered plenty of animal activists who vehemently disdain those of us who don’t follow their chosen “morality.” Have they rallied behind human rights issues like homelessness because they are now more sensitive to humanity?


One of the most famous vegetarians was Adolf Hitler. I, who cherish human and animal life, still remember my great-aunt’s stories of the Nazi concentration camps. Women would sneak out at night to snatch food from the camp dogs’ bowls. My aunt said she would wish that she were treated as well as the Nazis treated their dogs.


Los Angeles
