
There’s Another Side to Baseball Story

Steve Emmons has told half the story about kids and ballgames (“Going Batty,” Sept. 1). I’m a 12-year-old girl. I play third base, first base and pitcher in fast-pitch softball. I’ve learned three pitches so far: fast ball, drop and a change-up. And I’m just beginning.

This summer I attended the Sharron Backus Girls Softball Camp 1991. We worked on our strategy and our key positions all day. We scrimmaged and played constantly for four days. We got sunburned and sweaty, played in the rain and improved tremendously. At night we ordered pizzas, ate candy and got on sugar highs, and played tricks on the counselors.

Even though the softball is bigger than the baseball and mainly girls play softball, that doesn’t mean it’s a softy game. We women do understand it. This is 1991. It’s not the 1800s. We would like to see some real women role models in the future. We didn’t even see one Pan Am softball game on TV. Our USA girls’ softball team was great.



Los Angeles
