
Batiquitos Lagoon

Maintaining Batiquitos Lagoon in its presently dry condition is not the object of the Sierra Club/Audubon Society lawsuit.

The suit concerns the legality of the process followed, and the charge that the needs of the Port of Los Angeles have taken precedence over the needs of Batiquitos.

If this project goes forward, the Port of Los Angeles will be able to destroy one type of wildlife habitat within the port while being given credit for having converted a second type of wildlife habitat into yet a third type. That’s a very strange way to maintain wildlife. “Restored” habitats take years to become even 60% as productive as “natural” ones. The intent of mitigation law is to increase productivity, not reduce it.


Since this project will set precedent for coastal mitigation projects throughout America, this suit is of high national interest and importance.

The present condition of Batiquitos can be attributed to three facts. 1) To the transportation “dams” built by Caltrans and the railroad. 2) To the developments in the watershed, especially those on the slopes surrounding Batiquitos. Siltation basins only catch large grains. Silt remains suspended for weeks. 3) To the fact that in June the mouth of the lagoon was opened and all the water was allowed to drain out. Usually the lagoon is opened earlier and catches later rains.

All these conditions are curable, and neither Sierra Club nor Audubon should be blamed for them.


