
TUSTIN : Parenting Programs Offered in Spanish

The Tustin Unified School District is starting a special parenting program for Spanish speakers.

One session of the the program, “Los Ninos Bien Educados,” will begin Thursday. It is designed to involve Spanish-speaking parents in their children’s education.

District officials said the program will teach parents about basic child development. It is being taught only in Spanish, and child care will be provided.


The Thursday classes will be held for 12 weeks from 6 to 9 p.m. in the multipurpose room at Benjamin Beswick Elementary School, 1362 Mitchell Ave. Another session of the 12-week program will begin this Saturday in the kindergarten room at Helen Estock Elementary School, 14741 N. B St. Those classes will be held from 9 a.m. to noon.

The Thursday classes are being sponsored by the Tustin school district’s DATE (drug, alcohol and tobacco education) program, while the Saturday classes are funded through Title VII federal grant money, which is aimed at helping students with limited English skills. For more information, call (714) 730-7388.
