
Wish Foundation

Thank you for publishing a correction on Sept. 18 stating that the Atlanta-based Children’s Wish Foundation is not the organization charged with fraud and misleading advertising in California.

It would be very difficult to describe what has happened since The Times misidentified us in a story regarding fraud charges made by California’s attorney general. The organization actually charged is the Children’s Wish Fund, based in Carson, Calif.

Members of our staff, supporters and our accountants in Washington have all received calls demanding answers to the fraud charges, accusing us of not fulfilling our obligations to very ill children and threatening not to support our organization. This has been extremely disheartening--we have become the victim of charges levied against another organization.

It is very important for all our supporters to know that the Children’s Wish Foundation of Atlanta is still dedicated to granting the wishes of terminally ill children and plans to continue this important and rewarding work. Since 1985, we have granted more than 4,000 wishes to children worldwide.



LINDA DOZORETZ, Executive Director

Children’s Wish Foundation

Atlanta, Ga.
