
Broderick Quoted on Death Scene

Elisabeth Anne (Betty) Broderick was quoted Monday in court as telling a friend that she saw her former husband “gurgle in his own blood” after she shot him.

The testimony came from Jerry Thatcher, a friend of a woman whom Broderick called on Nov. 5, 1989, after the shootings of Daniel Broderick, 44, and his second wife, Linda, 28, in their bedroom.

Thatcher told San Diego Superior Court jurors that he was present when Patricia Monahan, whom he was dating at the time, received a phone call from Elisabeth Broderick, 43, a La Jolla socialite.


After talking with Broderick, Monahan told him that “Betty’s really flipped out. She’s shot Dan,” Thatcher testified.

Thatcher recounted colorful quotes attributed to Broderick that morning.

“Betty said, ‘I shot the (expletive). He was gurgling in his own blood. It’s true, you do (expletive) in your pants,’ ” Thatcher testified.
