
The Network Side-Step

Sharon Bernstein’s article “Networks Still Turn Down Condom Ads” (Calendar, Sept. 25) showed me once again just how ridiculous networks are when defending advertising policies.

If you change two words in the quote attributed to Janice Gretemeyer of ABC, you will find another area in which the “Big Four” are hypocritical: “ ‘We feel that the matter of teen alcoholism (instead of birth control ) continues to be a controversial subject, and we do not allow commercials concerning controversial topics.’ ”

Quoting CBS’ Ann Morfogen: “ ‘The issue of teen drinking (instead of contraception ) is something that for many people is a deep-seated religious and moral issue, and we don’t believe it’s appropriate to be taking advertising . . . about those kinds of issues.’ ” And quoting Planned Parenthood’s Marie Paris: “ ‘We have one of the highest teen alcoholism (instead of pregnancy ) rates of any developed country . . . .’ ”

Teens need support and information about sex, and articles like Bernstein’s, while probably not widely read by teens, might influence others to pressure networks.



