
How’d They Do That?

As a completion guarantor, I was fascinated by your article about Paramount’s “All I Want for Christmas,” a studio picture opening in 1,500 theaters four months after start of pre-production and 8 1/2 weeks after completion of filming (“You Want a Whole Movie by When ?!?,” Film Clips, Oct. 27).

In an era in which Directors Guild members are entitled to at least 10 weeks to cut their version, plus several preview screenings and re-cuts after the dialogue, sound effects and music have been added--compared to the average Hollywood film, which consumes five to seven months in post-production--this is more miraculous than the imposition of a TV mentality on studio features.

Clearly, a revolutionary technological innovation is afoot here. Inquiring minds want to know. How was it done?


Complete Film Corp.

Santa Monica
