
VENTURA : Students to Clean School, Raise Funds

Armed with gardening tools, paint and cleaning materials, dozens of Ventura High School students, faculty and parents will spend a day spiffing up parts of the campus that are run down or in disrepair.

Students will collect pledges for every hour that they work Saturday sprucing up the campus.

Under the fund-raising program, called Students Earning Revenue for VHS Enrichment, or SERVE, students will donate the money to a school club, classroom or sports program of their choice.


The students will clean and paint classrooms, plant plants, remove trash, scrape away gum, repair broken desks and steam clean sidewalks.

Some teachers have requested donations in specific areas, said SERVE parent chairwoman Valerie Chrisman. An art teacher has requested money for a new clay recycler, and the journalism adviser has asked for donations to defray the cost of printing the school newspaper, which costs about $300 per issue.

SERVE volunteers, including parents and Ventura residents, have raised about $9,000 to match the funds that students earn, Chrisman said.


The group is seeking additional donations of materials or money before the cleanup, she said. Donations may be made by calling 643-2116, Ext. 448.
