
4-Day Work Week Voted for City’s Employees

The West Hollywood City Council this week approved a four-day work week for city employees as part of an effort to meet standards set by the Southern California Air Quality Management District.

Starting in March, City Hall will be closed every other Friday. Employees will make up the lost time by working an extra hour Monday through Thursday, during which time City Hall will be open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. It will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. every other Friday.

The modified schedule will help the city meet the AQMD guidelines, which require employers of 100 or more people to meet an average rate of 1.5 riders per vehicle. Reducing the number of cars driven to work annually will help the city meet the goal.


The new schedule does not apply to maintenance workers, code enforcement officers and the city’s public works inspector.
