
130 at Archive’s Unit in Michigan Will Lose Jobs

Archive Corp., a manufacturer of computer storage equipment, said Monday that it will lay off 130 to 140 employees at its Ann Arbor, Mich., division as part of a corporate restructuring. Terri Douglas, an Archive spokeswoman, said the layoffs will occur over the next four weeks at the company’s Irwin Magnetic Systems division. She said the division’s employment will total 100 after the layoffs.

Duties of those laid off will be assumed by corporate headquarters and by Archive’s Maynard Electronics Inc. division in Lake Mary, Fla.

John Jones, president of Irwin, will leave the company in December. He will be replaced by William Miller, who will become general manager of the division, Archive said.


Chris Tipton, a Maynard vice president, will be appointed general manager of the Irwin distribution division and will report to George Rea, president of Maynard.

Irwin manufactures mini-cartridge drives, which back up data stored on personal computers as a precaution against accidental loss.
