
A Craving for Raw Onions on Rye Bread

A neat article by David Wharton (“How Can You Possibly Eat That?,” Dec. 13). He writes so intelligently and unemotionally about our strange eating habits.

I must take issue with him, however, in his insistence that there is something contrary to good taste, perhaps even bizarre, about onion sandwiches. Fried, boiled, steamed--onions are just what most breads need. But the ultimate pleasure is raw onions combined on white or rye bread-- never toasted--with a good sharp Cheddar cheese. It makes me want to run to the refrigerator on the instant.

His examples were good. But none, in my opinion, can even come close to a combination developed by my son, Kevin, when he was a teen-ager, one which I am happy to report he gave up when he got into more sensible weird foods. Would you believe a peanut butter and bologna sandwich?



Los Angeles
