
Glendale : Purchase of Lots OKd

The Redevelopment Agency on Tuesday authorized spending $1.6 million to buy two large lots on the site of the proposed expansion of the Galleria shopping mall.

The lots span the block from 221 S. Orange St. to 224 S. Central Ave., where the city has targeted development of a third phase of the Galleria. The properties are owned by longtime residents Harold and Marjorie Nuckles, who live in a four-unit apartment building on one of the lots.

The agency last year offered to buy land in the area because plans to develop the site have been delayed by unfavorable economic conditions, creating a hardship for owners wanting to sell.


The agency owns about three-fifths of the expansion site, Redevelopment Director Jeanne Armstrong said. However, there are no immediate plans for starting expansion of the Galleria.
