
Rohrabacher Immigrant View Booed, Cheered

The article “Latinos Blast Rohrabacher for Position on Benefits” (April 17) should be turned around to read: “Rohrabacher Blasts Latinos” . . . and it would be right on!

This is not meant to be a slur against Dana Rohrabacher. To the contrary, I applaud Mr. Rohrabacher for his straightforward and no-nonsense position on this very volatile issue. More elected officials would do well to express similar and concurring views, which I’m sure the vast majority of them hold, and forget about the politics.

It doesn’t take a mental giant to apply a little common sense to deduce that the tremendous influx of illegals into Orange County has not only cost the legitimate taxpayer and citizen millions of dollars in health and welfare benefits, but many times over for the hidden costs associated with education, police protection, litter and graffiti--and the list goes on and on.


Mr. Rohrabacher, keep up the good work, and we’ll all be better off for your efforts.


Laguna Niguel
