
Race Chairman Scuffles With Navarro


Mayoral candidate Peter Navarro was embroiled in a brief altercation Sunday with the enraged chairman of the La Jolla half-marathon road race, who tore up Navarro’s political signs and toppled his table while attempting to force the candidate to leave an area restricted to food and drink providers.

Jerry Gottleib, the race chairman, claimed Navarro momentarily grabbed his arm during what he and another race official described as an extended, heated argument over Navarro’s attempt to set up signs and a leaflet table at the race’s finish line.

Navarro and his wife, Janet, said Navarro never touched Gottleib. Navarro said he remained calm throughout the incident, despite seeing his wife “abused” by the out-of-control race official.


He said he willingly left the area as soon as he learned that Gottleib had the authority to remove him.

Gottleib, who said race sponsors had obtained a permit allowing them to cordon off a section of the finish area at La Jolla Cove for the food and beverage providers, claims he twice asked Navarro to move and flew into a rage when the candidate refused.

“Igotta admit, I totally lost it,” Gottleib said of his tantrum, which was witnessed by people gathered at the finish line before the runners completed the course. “I ran up, I broke his signs, I trampled his table.” It was then that Navarro grabbed him by the arm, but he pulled away, Gottleib said.


Gene McElroy, a lobbyist for San Diego Gas & Electric Co. and incoming president of the La Jolla Kiwanis Club, sponsor of the race, said it took him about 15 minutes to persuade a “belligerent,” argumentative Navarro to leave the fenced-off provider area.

“Navarro told me as we’re standing there, ‘I don’t know who that little old man was, but if he wasn’t so old, I would have kicked his ass,’ ” McElroy said. Gottleib is 65 years old.

Navarro denied the statement. He said the enraged Gottleib began screaming at him without identifying himself. As Navarro was talking to another official to determine whether he was required to leave the area, Gottleib tipped over the table, ripped up two signs and screamed at Janet Navarro, Navarro said.


Gottleib later tore up a Navarro sign posted on wooden pylons, according to both Navarro and McElroy.
