
Top Blacks Should Give Cash to Their Brethren

It’s time for wealthy African-Americans to step up to the plate (“Voices of Business Tell How to Rebuild,” May 10).

Do I dare ask the 100 highest African-American income earners, such as Bill Cosby, Oprah Winfrey, Arsenio Hall, to make private contributions to African-American communities across this country? Their combined incomes total more than $1 billion annually.

How about looking to your communities for the future?

My fear is that the African-American community will again look to good old Uncle Sam, and unfortunately he isn’t going to work. He hasn’t worked in the past, and he won’t work in the future.


So how about it, Oprah? Of the, say, $100 million annually that you earn, pay your $45 million in taxes (probably high) keep about $5 million for yourself (I hope you can live off that amount), and contribute $50 million to the future of African-Americans who desperately need a chance.


