
Ross Perot’s Budget Plan

You hit the mark with the editorial on Perot’s budget plan. Yes, the easy things in deficit reduction have all been done. The plan requires everyone to share in the pain of paying for yesterday’s fiscal sins.

Still, I want more detail on the plan. What were the planning assumptions? How quickly does the 50-cent gas tax kick in over the 12-year horizon? On the upside, what about not taxing new businesses for five years?

But most important, given this very bitter pill, what happens if we refuse to take it? Just how long before America is comatose? I fear the current slate of candidates (President, House, Senate) will not sacrifice their careers for the common good, will not risk asking us to swallow and would prefer to rule the dying.


Did our children’s problem go away with Perot? No. If we don’t fix this problem now, when can we?


Los Angeles
