
Map Can Put You on the Right Track

Finding a place to ride, or planning a commuting route, is one of the first challenges for owners of a new bicycle. Several available publications can help:

* The Orange County Transportation Planning department has released a new edition of the Existing Bikeways map, which shows all Class I bicycle trails (paved, off-road paths) as well as streets with marked bicycle lanes.

The map is available free at all county libraries and regional parks (in the past, the map has been sold through bicycle shops). In addition, maps may be obtained through the mail by writing: County of Orange/EMA, attention Public Works Cashier, P.O. Box 4048, Santa Ana, Calif. 92702-4048. Or phone: (714) 834-3111.


In addition to paths and lanes, the map has commuting information, general biking tips and a summary of state biking laws.

* “Bicycle Rides of Orange County,” by Don and Sharron Brundige (self-published), available in some local bookstores, offers more detailed information on local biking trails, as well as some suggested on-road loops.

* “Cycling Orange County,” by Jerry Schad (Centra Publications), also available in some bookstores, includes some excellent mountain-bike treks and suggested rides.
