
Laguna Shanti, if Troubled, Still Has Niche

We were most distressed to read the article about Laguna Shanti stating that the reason they were not funded by AIDS Walk Orange County was due to politics. Nothing could be further from the truth.

AIDS Walk receives proposals for funding which are evaluated by an impartial team of community experts with experience evaluating proposals and experience and knowledge of the needs of HIV/AIDS in Orange County.

The recommendations of the Evaluation Committee are submitted to the AIDS Walk board of directors, and this year were approved as submitted.


The Evaluation Committee members do not sit on any AIDS organization boards, nor is their identity made public prior to the evaluation meeting.

AIDS Walk was not happy to withhold funding from Laguna Shanti. The decision was made exclusively on the deficiencies in the proposal and had nothing to do with politics.

Each year an Evaluation Committee is selected and proposals are solicited. Our mission is to serve the community by raising and distributing funds to Orange County-based organizations that provide services, education and research for HIV/AIDS-impacted people.


JIM LACY, President, Board of Directors

JOAAN P. RUDEN, Executive Director, AIDS Walk Orange County
