
Southern California Job Market : Steering a Marriage Through Job Loss

* Establish a budget and cut unnecessary expenses. This will prevent future arguments about what can and cannot be afforded.

* Talk it out. It’s very important for couples and partners to communicate and share fears and anxieties. Silent anger will return to add stress in the relationship.

* Keep kids out of money discussions. Children, especially those under 12, are very vulnerable to feeling they are the cause of the family’s problems. So it’s important not to expose them to the anxiety or fears parents may be feeling.


* Let older kids pitch in. Teen-agers can benefit by knowing they’re needed to help pull the family through a difficult time.

* Don’t eliminate leisure activities. The first thing couples and families do when struck by a job loss is cancel the vacation. But constructive leisure is an antidote to stress. Find creative ways to do things without borrowing or spending much.
