
POETRY : SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE. A brief list of recent poetry anthologies:

THE BEST AMERICAN POETRY Charles Simic, Editor, David Lehman, Series Editor (Collier Books/Macmillan: $13; 352 pp.) This anthology bravely asserts each year that poetry is not dead in America. Poems are culled from periodicals published in the previous year.

AFTER AZTLAN: Latino Poets of the Nineties edited by Ray Gonzalez (Godine: $24.95 (cloth), $15.95 (paper); 224 pp.) Poems by poets of Hispanic origin writing in English.

A BOOK OF WOMEN POETS: From Antiquity to Now: Selections From the World Over edited by Aliki Barnstone and Willis Barnstone (Schocken: $18; 822 pp.) From the Sumerian moon priestess, Enheduanna (2300B.C.) to present-day poets, this collection covers six continents and four millennia.

THE RAG AND BONE SHOP OF THE HEART: Poems for Men edited by Robert Bly, James Hillman and Michael Meade (Harper Collins: $25; 192 pp.) Poems for everyman, from scientists to truckers to middle-managers, are organized by themes, such as “Approach to Wildness,” “Mother and Great Mother,” “War,” and “Zaniness.”


AMERICAN INDIAN POETRY: An Anthology of Songs and Chants edited by George W. Cronyn (Fawcett Columbine: $10; 336 pp.)One of the first collections to recognize Native American songs and chants as an indigenous art form. Poems are organized by region and tribe.
