
Monorail Pro and Con

I propose an additional reason to build a monorail along the Ventura Freeway instead of an extension of the Metro Rail line along the Burbank-Chandler corridor (“Developers’ Funds Back Monorail Committee,” Times Valley Edition, Aug. 17):

The Burbank-Chandler corridor could then be utilized as a full-fledged east-west bicycle-way and hybrid human-powered and electric vehicle corridor. That would lead, in time, to at least a couple of intersecting north-south bicycle-ways.

This could encourage the development of a new local light industry designing and manufacturing bicycles and perhaps more exotic 21st-Century vehicles such as hybrid electric motor-equipped bicycles, and even multi-person vehicles powered by two or more persons and solar-electric motors.


That would create new local jobs, export products, cleaner skies and the slower, softer lifestyle we’ll have to achieve for a sustainable and sane century.


Sherman Oaks
