
Council’s Decision to Buy Property on Monterey Road

Where in the world does the Glendale City Council get the right to disperse $392,040 for a worthless piece of land at 870 Monterey Road at the Glendale Avenue on-ramp to the westbound Ventura Freeway (134)?

This is a “sweetheart” deal if there ever was one!

The “purpose” behind this purchase is to supposedly add a right-turn lane to the freeway entrance. This means that Monterey Road will become a nightmare come closing time in Glendale. The dreadful traffic on Brand Boulevard, at that time, is to be diverted to Monterey Road. This is over a half-mile from Brand Boulevard.

Where was the planning and the environmental impact report when all the buildings on Brand were built? Who was to occupy these high-rise buildings, anyway? It appears that our city uses this report only when it wants to tear something down or pursue its own interests.


Has the state Highway Department been informed of what Glendale wants? Now there’s a switch. Cities telling them what to do. What about having this matter properly handled by the right of eminent domain acquisition?

I do not believe that this is the time to throw away taxpayers’ money when there are many necessary things that are so much more important, such as schools, the Police Department, Fire Department, etc. etc.

When will the citizens of Glendale stand up and be counted; speak out against such shameful tactics? When?



